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If anything, the joke is the other way around: the implication is not that being gay makes one a bigot, it's that being a bigot makes one gay. Merely openly acknowledging that two things are correlated is not at all the same as claiming a reason for why they are correlated. Haggard's Law is simply a way of formally recognizing that trend.

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Even when we aknowledge that there's nothing wrong with being gay, that trend is still an undeniable fact. It's simply making the observation that militant homophobes tend to be themselves homosexual. But perhaps this commentary should be noted in the article? - Cycloneblaze ( talk) 03:05, 18 January 2020 (UTC) Someone who has actually experienced this could put it much more eloquently than me. There are plenty of real gay people out there who don't like the association with homophobes, and don't like homophobes being assumed to be gay because they're horrible bigots, due to this law. That is, that these bigots who are clearly such horrible people are themselves gay, not only makes being gay seem horrible by association as one of their horrible traits, but it makes being the butt of this law's joke. Whatever about it being a real scientific relation or a common psychological trait among homophobes (or other bigots), as mentioned in the article, Haggard's Law has the unfortunate implication that homosexuality is a bad thing. I do not currently have time to track it down, but if someone could it might make a good addition to this article. a lot of the work on 'authoritarian personalities' used them.īack in my undergraduate days (late 60s) I saw a study that used one of those tests, reported that gay bashers generally scored quite high on the 'tendencies' measure, and speculated that one motive for hostility to gays was repressed tendencies of one's own. Lots of other tests were developed in a similar way e.g. This has been done repeatedly Google search for "MMPI homosexuality" turns up dozens of hits, mostly scholarly articles by social psychologists. It is a fairly common (though debatable) research tactic to administer the test to two groups of interest, such as admitted homosexual males & reportedly straight guys, look for the few dozen questions on which the groups differ greatly, and construct a test consisting only of those questions which purports to measure 'homosexual tendencies'. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is a collection of several hundred multiple choice questions. Sources:, , Is that enough? Arawn Emrys ( talk)

  • 4 Why is this phenomenon not seen in other forms of bigotry?.

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